
Delivery & order

When will I receive my order?

The product factory and (free) delivery ask our team a delivery time of 10 to 20 working days after shipping. The shipping time is on average 1 to 3 working days.

We make every effort to get your order as quickly as possible, without compromising the quality of our goods.

How can I follow my package?

You can follow the evolution of your order by following this link: Package monitoring.

How much does delivery cost?

We deliver our products worldwide. There is no minimum quantity required by order and all our deliveries are free (excluding DOM-TOM).

My order is not complete

If your order includes several items, they may be sent separately, depending on the stocks available and shipping warehouses. Don't worry, your package will arrive shortly.

I did not receive my order

A problem with La Poste? Lost, broken, destroyed package? 

With our Secure delivery, Mandarin Factory takes care of litigation for you. Customer satisfaction is our priority. We do not refer to the carrier by letting you "manage". We Let's assume full responsibility by immediately sending you a new package at our expense

Do not hesitate to contact us by email at contact@mandarin-factory.com: our team will do their best to meet your expectations.

Overseas France (Dom-Tom)

Deliveries in Overseas France (DOM-TOM) are generally longer (up to 2 months from the day of the order) in order to remain financially accessible. An additional cost for delivery will be requested for the following countries:


- Guyana



- Mayotte

- New Caledonia

- Saint-Barthélemy


- Saint-Martin


- French Polynesia

"Basically" command

If you want to order wholesale, send an email to our team tocontact@mandarin-factory.com

Cancellation & return

Can I change my order?

Yes, as long as your order is not " under treatment ».

Can I cancel my order?

It is quite possible to cancel your order! If your order is already shipped, you will have to wait to receive your order to send it back to us and be reimbursed in full.

Do not hesitate to contact us by email at contact@mandarin-factory.com: our team will make up for your needs!

I wish to return an article

We are unable to accept a return only in the event of a proven vice of the product.

Our items undergo very strict quality controls before each shipment. However, if your products have any manufacturing defect, send us a photo of the product in question (in the original packaging if possible) to contact@mandarin-factory.com accompanied by your order number. To be able to benefit from a return, your article must be unused and in the same state where you received it.


Is my information secure?

Yes !

The "HTTPS" present in the URLs of our shop testifies to the quality of our services. HTTPS is the variant of "HTTP" secured by the use of SSL/TLS protocols. HTTPS is used to protect financial transactions from merchant sites. As an e-merchants, we are aware that the use of SSL becomes essential today. This is the best way to protect your data and protect yourself from hacks or identity theft.

Visually, the SSL certificate is represented by a padlock that appears in the URL bar of the web browser. It is also represented by an "S" which means "secure" and which is added to the "HTTP" protocol on the website in the address bar.