4 Conseils pour faire des rencontres en Chine

4 Tips for Dating in China

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There is an old Chinese proverb: “ Gold is easy to get, but a great friend is the hardest to find ».

Chinese culture places great emphasis on building and maintaining good relationships. That’s why when we travel to China, we can have the best experience possible if we make the effort to meet the Chinese people. China has over a billion people living within its borders. The vast majority of these people are Chinese nationals, who live and work in their home country. But there are also many foreigners who live and work alongside the Chinese. Building relationships with locals and other foreigners provides invaluable experiences.

Making Friends in China Among Locals

Making friends with locals will give you a glimpse into Chinese society. They can introduce you to Chinese customs and traditions, help you speak Chinese, recommend the best restaurants, and show you places that are lesser-known to tourists and that only locals know about. And if you're really good at making local friends, they may even invite you to their homes and cook you delicious meals.

Making Friends in China Among Foreigners

Your fellow foreigners will be able to talk to you about your experiences in China. They are a great source of empathy when you are struggling to fit in. They will be able to help you travel with a foreigner's perspective, navigate the strange Chinese system as a foreigner, and give you insight into their own diverse culture and how it relates to traveling in China.

Through these 4 tips, we will try to help you with your dating in China and some of these tips can be applied to all countries in Asia as well as the world. And who knows, maybe these tips will even help you find more than just friendly relationships but a real love story! We will also give some ideas to answer the question: How to meet a woman in Asia?

1) Join WeChat groups

WeChat is the most widely used social network and messaging service in China. It's a bit like a cross between Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. It also has a mobile wallet, lets you order taxis and lets you buy everything from food to airline tickets.

WeChat is a must-have app if you spend a lot of time in China. One of the great features of WeChat is the “Groups” feature. It allows you to mingle with people who share the same interests as you. There are groups for everything from people looking for language partners to expats sharing funny videos to wine tasting meetups.

If you want to meet people in China, join as many WeChat groups as possible, and be proactive in those groups.

Making friends in China

2) Find an activity

China has countless activities to try, many of which are unique to Chinese culture. There are sports like badminton and tennis, martial arts like kung fu and tai chi, and forms of traditional arts like calligraphy and they chinese. China considers many of these cultural activities to be essential parts of daily life, so when foreigners are interested in them, they are happy to participate with you!

You may also want to get interested in traditional Chinese music. Consider learning to play one of the traditional Chinese musical instruments, such as the guzheng or guqin, or take a traditional Chinese opera singing class. There are tons of athletic, hiking, adventure, business, culinary, and cultural clubs you can join.

When you take an interest in Chinese activities, you mingle with people who enjoy the same things as you. This not only allows you to build a strong social network, but also gives you the opportunity to root yourself in Chinese society. Since China is such a unique place, there are tons of unique activities you can participate in if you're not afraid to try!

3) Travel through the Middle Kingdom

China is a big country with a lot to see and do. Traveling in general is a great way to meet people. You can stay in hostels where you will meet curious travelers like yourself, and you can invite them to explore the country with you. The experience of being new and exploring is fun and exciting, so you will naturally attract other people who want to explore with you. China has an endless list of great travel destinations, from the Great Wall to the Terracotta Warriors to the rice terraces of Yunnan. There is no shortage of people looking to be your friends when you travel to China.

Great Wall of China

4) Learn Mandarin

Not many people in China speak English, so if you really want to make friends, you should make an effort to learn the basics of the local language. This will help you build relationships with locals and form strong bonds with them in their native language.

And if you find Chinese people who speak English, you can ask them to be your language partner. This means that you will help them speak your language while they help you speak theirs. A language partner is an invaluable resource because they will take you around the city, show you the ins and outs of the culture, and help you master Mandarin.

Language is such an important part of a culture’s identity, and China is no different. Learning to speak Mandarin will allow you to instantly communicate with a billion more people! There are so many ways to learn a language these days. Whether you go to a language school or online through apps or online trainers.

China is a huge country that offers enormous opportunities to anyone who goes there. You just have to be open to new experiences and have the courage to go and try them.

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