Customisez vos vêtements avec votre signe zodiaque chinois

Customize your clothes with your Chinese zodiac sign

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Astrology is a pseudo-science that studies the interpretation of the relationships between space and human life. Just like in the Western horoscope, Chinese horoscope has 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac and each Chinese symbol is characterized by an animal. Unlike, each Western astrological sign refers to a month of the year unlike the Chinese astral sign.

The CH sign each correspond to a year and are based on a 12 -year cycle. Thus, the question arises of how to know its sign. Chinese astrological in order to be able to customize His clothes with her Chinese zodiac sign. In order to expand knowledge on Chinese astrology, let's discover the Chinese zodiac calendar.

What is Chinese astrology?

Called in Chinese shengxiao, L'Chinese astrology is based on a 12 -year -old lunar cycle. Thus, each year corresponds to a Chinese zodiac elements and a sign of the Chinese zodiac. The 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac in order are the rat, the buffalo, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the goat, the monkey, the rooster, the dog, the pig. As mentioned above, they can recognize your Chinese day horoscope.

In China, it is believed to influence people on people, therefore in a link between man and the 12 Chinese zodiac animals that each correspond to a Chinese year. At birth, people adopt the same characters than those of the zodiac animal of its year.

Apart from its character, the zodiacal animal can also affect a person's work and fortune. Each animal with specific features, the classification order of Chinese zodiac signs stems from a well -founded story.

History of signs of the Chinese zodiac

The classification order of Chinese zodiac sign is not chance. This results from a set of beliefs and legendary facts. Although presenting different versions, the story of Astrology is widespread in the Chinese community. However, it is important to learn more to better understand the Chinese zodiac signs.

There legend of there race To reach the celestial door is considered to be the cause of the signs of the Chinese zodiacs. The Chinese Zodiac would have its origin in the era of the Jade Emperor. The latter wanted to choose 12 animals with the aim of mounting your close guard.

He had to organize a race to access the Celestial door. The emperor sent an immortal being to the world of humans to announce the news. The rank of animals was determined by the order of passage of this celestial door, from where The classification order Signs of the Chinese zodiac known today.

However, to know its sign of the Chinese zodiac, it is essential to know how the Chinese astrological signs work.

How do Chinese astrological signs work?

In China, to find your way, we use two major elements which indicate the beginning of the Chinese Zodiacal beginning:

  • While other countries in the world enter the New Year On January 1, the new Chinese year is generally between the January 21 and February 20.

The Chinese New Year is the first reference point for the beginning of the zodiac. He is still called Lunar New Year.

  • Generally between February 3 and 5, the first day of the first solar period according to the Chinese solar calendar, the beginning of spring often determines the start of Chinese zodiacs.

Chinese astrologers refer to the solar new year or early spring to determine the beginning of the zodiac. The majority of Chinese people prefer to use the Chinese lunar calendar.

How to know its Chinese astrological sign?

In China, everything starts from the calendar of Chinese New Year. It is essential to go to the Chinese calendar sign on which each Chinese year corresponds to one of the 12 Chinese sign.

Each Astro Chinoi sign starts from the combination of a Chinese animal and an element. It is according to the Chinese years, a combination between a Chinese signs per year and an element, among which fire, water, wood, earth or metal.

For example, in reference to the Chinese zodiac calendar, the water rabbit is the Chinese astrological signed this year 2023. It should be noted that the sign of the previous Chinese year must be viewed to know the New Year Astrological Sign Chinese people whose birth is between January 1 and the lunar New Year.

What are the 12 Chinese zodiac animals?



The Chinese believe in the prediction of the future of a person from interpretation of its astro sign. There are therefore 12 zodiac animals, each of which corresponds to a precise Chinese Astro sign and has particular characteristics. So, with you can know your Chinese horoscope of the day

Chinese sign

People born among the years 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 have signed Chinese rat. These people develop a strong intuition and are nice, versatile, intelligent, resourceful. Rats can therefore customize their clothes By adding a insignia of the rat zodiac sign or so as to add features reminiscent of their character. The Chinese zodiac sign 2020 was also the rat.

Chinese sign buffalo

Of an honest nature, the buffaloes are reliable, strong, determined and above all studious. Following the years 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, the Chinese sign 1997 was the buffalo as the Chinese sign 2021 and the sign of the Chinese zodiac 2009. People of this sign can adapt their clothes related to their character diligent.

Chinese sign Tiger

As well as for the years 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, the Chinese sign 1986, 1998, 2010, and the sign of the Chinese zodiac 2022 was the tiger. Are brave, courageous, unpredictable, competitive and very confident people.

Chinese sign rabbit

A sign of the year 2023 Chinese, Chinese sign 1999, of the years 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, Chinese sign 1975 and 1987, Rabbits are kind, responsible, silent, friendly, patient and especially sympathetic. If we stick to their character, the natives of the Chinese rabbit sign know how to bring elegance to their clothes. The rabbit is also the sign of the 2011 Chinese zodiac.

Chinese zodiac sign Dragon

Dragons were the natives of the years 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012. In addition, the Chinese sign 2024 is one of them. The dragon, considered the most powerful Chinese zodiac sign, made his natives intelligent, enthusiastic and confident people even if they are often seen as beautiful speakers.

Chinese zodiac sign Serpent

The natives of the years 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 have the Chinese zodiac sign the serpent. This sign gives them a strong character enigmatic. They are clairvoyant and intelligent. In reference to their character, natives of the serpent sign will tend to approach rather sophisticated clothing looks.

Chinese zodiac sign

The 1930s, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 and 2026 correspond to the Chie Cheval sign. Animated, energetic and active, horses are lovers of the crowd. To make its Chinese sign speak, the horse can adopt clothes with patterns reminiscent of the animated and lively character.

Chevre Chinese Zodiac sign

The goat is a sign belonging to people born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2027. The 2015 Chinese zodiac sign was also the goat. Known for their character To emphasize their opinions, the goats are soft, sympathetic, calm and above all persistent.

Chinese signs monkey

Sign of the Chinese Zodiac 2016 and the years 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, Chinese sign 2004 and 2028, the monkey brings together sometimes polishing beings. The people of this sign are intelligent, curious and brilliant with minds. Their dress style can often seem extraordinary.

Chinese zodiac rooster

In addition to the years 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, the Chinese sign 1981, 1993, Le Signe.chinois 2005 and 2029, is the rooster also corresponds to the 2017 Chinese zodiac sign. Although being valiant workers, courageous and observers , the roosters are often boastful and can be impatient with regard to their interlocutor.

Chinese Zodiac Dog

In addition to the years 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, the Chinese sign 1982, 1994, 2030, the sign of the Chinese zodiac 1994, Chinese sign 2006 and the sign of the 2018 Chinese zodiac were the dog. With acute loyalty, the natives of the rabbits are careful, honest, cute despite their introverted side.

Chinese Pig sign

Sign of the 2019 Chinese zodiac, the pig also concerns the natives of the years 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, and the year 2031 next. They are generous, studious, committed, sentimental and concentrated beings when they have a task to accomplish.

For those who tend to ask the question to know what my Chinese sign is, this is the well -detailed information on the question of the Chinese zodiac sign and their relationship with clothes.

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