2 activités ludiques à ne pas manquer pour un séjour en Chine

2 fun activities not to be missed for a stay in China

of reading - words

We often hear about the many discoveries to be made in terms of Chinese cultural heritage. During a stay in this destination, lovers of playful activities can completely hope to spend unforgettable moments. In particular, there is a wide range of choices as to exciting things to do absolutely for a getaway on Chinese territory. Adults, just as children will have the privilege of enjoying recreational, creative, but above all enriching leisure.

Learn Chinese calligraphy

Chinese calligraphy can be considered one of the treasures of the artistic and cultural heritage of China. It is in fact an art form that highlights writing in Chinese character. Calligraphy combines the interpretation of the literary sense of characters as well as visual art. This form of expression is recognized to be completely invaluable throughout all Eastern Asia. Chinese calligraphy is actually much more than a simple way of writing.

During a stay on Chinese territory, art enthusiasts will be able to learn more about the subject. The visit to the cultural museums, scattered all over the midst of the Middle Kingdom, presents interesting masterpieces of calligraphy. In addition, travelers will also be able to learn this Chinese ancestral art By attending courses provided by specialists in the matter. In terms of learning, the gardens of the wild goose pagoda located in Xi'an are very indicated.

A Chinese Calligraphy School of good reputation is established in these gardens. Visitors will have the pleasure of admiring a demonstration of this Chinese ancestral art, interpreted by the locals. They can then put themselves to practice and learn to master the basics of Chinese calligraphy. It would therefore be more than interested in programming a visit to these gardens for the stay in China. Prestige Voyages China There will be a pleasure to help vacationers organize their journey.

Take Chinese medicine lessons

The treasures of Chinese culture are known to be original and above all unique. Chinese medicine is undoubtedly one of the most invaluable values ​​of the cultural and traditional heritage of China. Global health system that is based on vital energy, traditional Chinese medicine is in fact to restore harmony between body and mind. It is considered to be a health system influenced by Confucianism and Taoism.

A stay in the Middle Kingdom represents an opportunity to learn a little more about this singular treasure of China. Going for a visit to the Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Huqing Yutang Pharmacy is indicated. Located at the foot of a Wu hill in the Chinese Hangzhou province, the museum in question offers its visitors to explore the history of Chinese medicine.

Through its different rooms, the place offers the most curious opportunity to lift a part of this millennial cultural value of China. Visitors may notably have a good overview of the big names in traditional Chinese medicine, but also of the products used as well as the history of drugs. Finally, a room specially dedicated to remedies preparations is open to the public to allow visitors to concoct some personalized drugs.

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