4 Conseils pour faire des rencontres en Chine

4 tips to meet people in China

of reading - words

There is an old Chinese proverb: " Gold is easy to get, but a big friend is the most difficult to find ».

Chinese culture gives great importance to the establishment and the maintenance of good relationships. This is why, when we travel to China, we live the best possible experience if we strive to meet the Chinese. China has more than a billion people living inside its borders. The vast majority of these people are Chinese nationals, who live and work in their country of origin. But there are also many foreigners who live and work alongside the Chinese. Taking relationships with locals and other foreigners offers invaluable experiences.

 Make friends in China among the locals

Being a friend with the people of the country will allow you to have an overview of what Chinese society is. They will be able to introduce you to Chinese customs and traditions, help you speak Chinese, tell you the best restaurants and show you the little -known places for tourists that only residents know. And if you are really gifted to make you local friends, they will even be able to invite you home, cook you delicious dishes.

Make friends in China among foreigners

Your foreign compatriots will be able to meet your experiences in China. They are a great source of empathy when you find it difficult to integrate. They will be able to help you travel with the point of view of a foreigner, to sail in the strange Chinese system as a foreigner and to give you an overview of their own diverse culture and its links with travel in China.

Through these 4 tips, we will strive to help you with your meetings in China and some of these tips can be applied to all Asian and world countries. And who knows, maybe even these tips will help you find more friendly relationships but a real love story! We will also give tracks to answer the question: How to meet a woman in Asia?

1) Join the WeChat groups

 WeChat is the most used social network and messaging in China. It's a bit like a mixture between Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. It also contains a mobile wallet, allows you to order taxis and allows you to buy a number of things ranging from food to plane tickets.

WeChat is an essential application if you spend a lot of time in China. One of the main characteristics of WeChat is the "group" function. It allows you to get involved in people who share the same interests as you. There are groups for everything: people looking for linguistic partners to expatriates who share fun videos, including wine tasting.

If you want to meet in China, join as many WeChat groups as possible, and be proactive in these groups.

Make friends in China

2) Find an activity

China has countless activities to try, many of which are specific to Chinese culture. There are sports like badminton and tennis, martial arts like kung fu and tai chi and forms traditional arts like calligraphy and tChinese hey. China considers many of these cultural activities as essential elements of daily life, also when foreigners are interested, they are delighted to participate with you!

You may also be interested in traditional Chinese music. Consider learning to play one of the traditional Chinese musical instruments, such as Guzheng or Guqin, or take a traditional Chinese opera song. There are tons of athletics, hiking, adventure, business, gastronomy and culture clubs you can join.

When you are interested in Chinese activities, you get involved in people who love the same things as you. This allows you not only to build a solid social network, but also to give you the opportunity to root yourself in Chinese society. China being a unique place, there are tons of unique activities in which you can participate if you are not afraid to try!

3) Travel through the Middle Kingdom

China is a big country with a lot to see and do. Traveling in general is a great way to meet people. You can stay in youth hostels where you will meet curious travelers like you, and you can invite them to explore the country with you. The experience of being new and in Exploration mode is fun and exciting, so you will naturally attract other people who want to explore with you. China has an infinite list of large travel destinations, from the great wall to terracotta warriors, passing through the Yunnan terraces. People looking to become your friends when you travel to China are not lacking.

Wall of China

4) Learn Mandarin

Few people in China speak English. If you really want to make friends, you have to strive to learn the basics of the local language. This will help you establish relations with the inhabitants and to establish solid links with them in their mother tongue.

And if you find Chinese who speak English, you can ask them to become your linguistic partner. This means that you will help them talk about your language while they will help you speak theirs. A linguistic partner is an invaluable resource, because it will take you to the city, show you the ins and outs of culture and will help you master Mandarin.

Language is such an important element in the identity of a culture, and China is no different. Learning to speak Mandarin will allow you to communicate instantly with an additional billion people! Today there are a lot of ways to learn a language. Either go to specialized language schools or on the Internet via online applications or trainers.

China is a huge country that offers enormous possibilities to all those who go there. You just have to be open to new experiences and have the courage to go and try them.

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